Feb. 28, 2025
United States v. Alexander (5th Cir.) (unpublished) -- vacating lower court’s decision denying plaintiff-appellee’s request for grand jury records pertaining to his criminal case, because FOIA does not apply to federal courts and therefore the district court lacked jurisdiction to entertain plaintiff’s FOIA claim.
Puzey v. DOJ (D.D.C.) -- in case concerning pro se inmate’s criminal case records, determining that: (1) DEA, FBI, EOUSA, and ATF performed adequate searches, an issue plaintiff did not dispute; (2) plaintiff did not meaningfully dispute EOUSA’s withholdings under Exemptions 3 and 5; (3) FBI and EOUSA properly withheld the names of agency employees, third parties, and state and law enforcement pursuant to Exemptions 6 and 7(C); (4) government properly withheld records pursuant to Exemptions 7(D), 7(E), and 7(F), rejecting plaintiff’s public interest arguments as irrelevant; and (5) plaintiff conceded government’s foreseeable harm and segregability requirements.
Biggins v. USPS (D.N.J.) (unpublished) -- dismissing claim because plaintiff failed to send his request to a designated request center, he failed to label his request per agency regulations, and he improperly asked for information instead of records.
Feb. 27, 2025
Louise Trauma Ctr. v. ICE (D.D.C.) -- concluding that ICE did not sufficiently explain its search methodology for requested training material; that in camera review of agency’s Exemption 5 redactions was warranted; and that plaintiff’s request concerning agency’s information processing system was not reasonably described.
Summaries of all published opinions issued in 2025 are available here. Earlier opinions are available for 2024 and from 2015 to 2023.